Statement 51
One of the most iconoclastic new understandings of reality comes from the realm of quantum physics - the intellectual armature that has emerged to theorize and understand the implications of the quantum view of the world that describes notions of uncertainty or indeterminacy as the true nature of reality, at least at the sub-atomic scale. ‘Information’ is the essential property of all ‘matter’ rather than, say, its facticity. Karen Barad, who has her training in particle physics, but writes in the realm of queer and feminist theory, argues that matter and meaning, or ontology and epistemology are constitutively entangled in the sense that matter thinks (and feels and emotes) just as much as thinking is a onto-material fact or event. In other words, to think, or to design in our case, is as such a material activity, in as much as the making of architecture, brick by brick, sub-atomic particle by sub-atomic particle, quantum field by quantum field, is an intellectual activity.