
1by1 Land Acknowledgement Design Challenge

O(U)R invites design proposals for 1 ft. by 1 ft. interventions, on individual property lots that ACKNOWLEDGE that ALL land in the United States was once and still is (and will always remain) NATIVE LAND. Like the land-acknowledgement signature lines and other literary observances now commonplace, we invite all residents to re-examine and re-inscribe their relation to property and its role in appropriating and erasing native relationship to land.


Size and Shape limitations must be adhered to. Alternate unites of measurement are allowed, as long as they are in the unit of 1 x 1. Authorship of proposal must be specifically identified by name and email. However, all designs will be published under “creative commons.”

Proposals must be located on specific properties. Google coordinates, should also be identified. All proposals must come with an explanatory text of about one paragraph. All proposals must fit on a single 9 x 11” sheet.

Proposals can be speculative, but built proposals will get priority. All proposals will be reviewed by the O(U)R team prior to publication on the O(U)R website. Submit via email with only “1by1” in the subject line.

Workshop with the North American Indian Center of Boston

